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Valpo: Phonebook CAS CIS Grad forms Registrar IT Intranet
Datavu Datavu Blackboard Colleague Confluence IT docs grid Slate forms-queue
Wunderground / / Translate webpage
General Links Work-Related Links
Computer Hardware & Systems
Chicago Information
Computer-Related Interesting Topics
Han: Chinese, Korean, Japanese
HTML and Net Info
Humor Videos
Jewish Topics
Malware, Viruses, etc.
People with Interesting Sites
Privacy, Risks, etc.
Reading: Periodicals, etc.
Reference Desk
Miscellaneous Uncategorized
Global Warming
Wikipedia Topics
Word Processing
AI miscellaneous
AI/Data Science Education
AI Generative
AI Neural
Collaborative Problem Solving
Conference Archives
Education Theory
Graphics Instruction
Intelligent Tutoring Systems: Projects
ITS and Educational Psychology People
Intelligent Tutoring Systems: Resources
Library resources
Linguistics generally
Mathematical and Statistical Topics
NLP Generally
NLP Bibliographies and Links
NLP Lexicons, Corpora, etc.
NLP Education
NLP People (Individually)
NLP Research Groups and Institutions
NLP Organizations
NLP Corporations and Products
NLP Projects
NLP People (Institutional Directories)
NLP Software and Tools
NLP Specialized Topics
Open Educational Resources
Papers, Technical Reports, etc.
Programming Environments/Problems
Programming Languages
Inernet Trust, Digital Psy-Ops
Unix Administration
VU Work

AI miscellaneous
Argonne Automated Reasoning group ... lives on as Prover9 & Mace4 from Bill McCune (R.I.P.) / Theorem Prover Problems Archive (Miami U.)
AI Links / AI Subject Index (National Research Council Canada)
AI-Education Repository from Bill Manaris (Charleston SC) FAQ / Sigart
On-line Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science (MIT)
Machine Learning links: Austrian Research Institute / David Aha / Databases (UC Irvine)
C4.5/5.0 machine learning: J. Ross Quinlan / Rulequest Corp.
Machine Learning and Statistical NLP Reading List from Shlomo Argamon
Data Mining Server logic-based classifiers
Russell and Norvig textbook , also Russell and Norvig
Unesco data mining tutorial
Constraints archive and links (U. New Hampshire)
CMU AI Repository from 1995 / PAIL "Portable AI Lab" for intro courses from 1990s
RoboCup Robot World Cup Football
AISB Society for the Study of AI and Simulated Behavior (UK)
Northwestern U. Infolab
Epistemology: Cyc etc. / Open Mind Common Sense Knowledge
Cognitive Science Web Sites Paul Thagard
Creative Systems group (Universidade de Coimbra, PT)
Soft Computing Home Page Neural, fuzzy, genetic, probabilistic, etc. computing
AI Lecture Notes Bill Wilson (New South Wales)
Game Trees with good pseudo-code
AI Class by Lisa Zhang Way cool assignments and material, U of Toronto
Logic Puzzles in Prolog
Artificial Intelligence: Foundations of Computational Agents Poole and Macworth book
Farm robot articles in NYT and New Yorker
Real World Affective Faces Database Amazing database of face images
Fairness in machine learning set of interesting papers from Google
Not very Cleverbot chatbot
AI/Data Science Education
Kaggle Machine learning, data science: astonishing set of tutorials, data sets, notebooks, etc.
Towards Data Science Executable examples with written narrative explanations, including neural nets
EDUCBA Gobs of courses, certificates, etc.
AI Generative
Early 2022 article 12 Super Cool AI Content Generators You Have to Try
Some Chatbots Ganged Up and Plagiarized Me Slate story
Jasper text generation marketed for blogs etc.
Jefferson Airplane White Rabbit AI Images generated from lyrics (from Artificial Arts Duck on
AI Neural
Weihong Deng Lots of face and pattern recognition research
Deep Learning book from Goodfellow, Benigo, and Courville
CS231 Visual recognition with convolutional neural networks
AI for Everyone non-technical intro at / Tensorflow online playground
Convolutional NN videos thorough set of instructional videos
Understanding the Backpropagation Algorithm at Towards Data Science
Fast.AI PyTorch oriented neural network classes and instructional material
Neural Networks and Deep Learning free book and web site from Michael Nielsen
3 Blue 1 Brown Youtube channel and web site amazing videos on NNs, linear algebra, other topics, Grant Sanderson
Finding Books / Advanced Book Exchange used books / Book browse current excerpts / Book Sense bookstore association / AddALL bookstore meta-search!
Bookstores: Powells / Books & Bytes / Amazon / Alapage livres / Buns&Noodle / Seminary Coop / Wordsworth / British Books / OGara and Wilson
Publishers: A-W / Blackwell / CUP / CSLI / Erlbaum / McGraw-Hill Ed / MIT / Morgan Kaufmann / O'Reilly / Pren Hall / Springer / Wiley / World Scientific
Expensive Dutch publishers: IOS / Kluwer / John Benjamins / Elsevier Noord-Holland Pergamon
Small publishers, sellers: Amador / Left Bank / Peer-to-Peer (still has historical titles) / Lake Claremont (Chicago-Midwest topics) / Mountain Press (Roadside geology, western states)
Hypertext publishers: Eastgate
On-line classic books: The Bala Raju list / Eldritch Press / Project Gutenberg
Complete Review collects and summarizes reviews of noteworthy books / The Posner list of public intellectuals
Schoenhofs foreign language and language learning books, warehouse is in Skokie
Green Tea Press Free online (and O'Reilly) Computer Books
Paper Republic Chinese literature in translation: resources, news, etc.
Rahnuma Digital Library a privately-maintained collection of Islamic and other topics.
Computer Hardware & Systems
PC hardware advice: Trish's Hardware Hell / PC Guide
Computers used/repair/parts: Computer Exchange of Brookfield / KMR Tech (mostly monitors)
Krex sells cheap new parts / Hyde Park Computers (Evanston) reputable parts/service vendor
Gamma test for your monitor
Pure Color Test Images
HP ZJS Drivers for HP ZjStream printers (better than the official ones)
Sparkfun project materials, tutorials, blogs
Chicago Information
Chicago City , Other Agencies, Useful Info
Transit: CTA / El maps, history / Metra / RTA
Worldwide subways: Subway Navigator Urban Rail
Yahoo Chicago / Ripco Chicago
Reader / Events from Metromix / Music Box / Landmark / Indiana / Vickers
Guides: Metromix / Citysearch
Chicagoland Expressway Congestion Map: Travel Midwest
Weather: Tribune / Intellicast / MIT-ORD
WBEZ / Midnight Special (WFMT)
Chi area Graveyards incl. Haymarket and Douglas memorials + history
Ameritech Yellow Pages
Chicago Reporter race issues / Catalyst schools
Fox Valley Folklore Society
Vegan Street (reviews Chicago restaurants)
Substance the newspaper of public education in Chicago.
Mexican Art Museum / Garfield Park Conservatory
First Contact Social services in Porter County (including emergencies?)
NWI Bus Stop Map
Forgotten Chicago
Collaborative Problem Solving
Innovative Assessment of Collaboration 2014 conference
NAEP Collaborative Problem Solving report
Carolyn Rosé publications start here, there are many
Analyzing collaborative learning processes automatically Rosé paper
PISA 2015 Collaborative Problem Solving Results
Daily Kos / The Nib favorite lefty cartoonists
Cagle's Professional Cartoon Index
Universal Uclick / Creator's
Doonesbury: .com or WaPo
NonSequitur / Candorville (with Tribune Media Svcs) incl. Sylvia / Six Chix
Comics Kingdom Bizarro Tina Fastrack Pardon Rhymes Orange
Carol*Simpson / Cartoon Movement / Ted Rall / Jeff Danziger JD daily / Herblock / Larry Feign
Reuben National Cartoonist Society / Cal Grondahl
Rubin Bolling’s Tom the Dancing Bug at Boing Boing / Tim Eagan’s Deep Cover
XKCD / Jorge Cham’s Ph.D.
Girl Genius adventure strip / Deviant Art community of cartoonists, artists, whatever
Comic Book Legal Defense Fund
Women in Comics Wiki
An Ethical Dilemma from Existential Comics
Passive Aggression from SMBC Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal
Mike Peterson amazing Comic Strip of the Day blog , now at DailyCartoonist , also read his Storybook graphic educational stories.
Alison Bechdel’s former D2WO4 / David Rees cartoons including former Get Your War On / Carol Lay Index Carol Lay
Conference Archives
ACL Archives digitized old publications
Analyzing Educational Dialogue Interaction workshop at AI-ED 99
EMNLP -2001 -1997 Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing
Proceedings of Workshop on Empirical Methods for Tutorial Dialogue Systems (ITS '02)
MUC-7 Message Understanding Conference
AAAI Spring 98 Symposium Machine Learning
Ecai '96 Workshop on Extended finite state models of language
MAICS 96 Proceedings
HLT-2001 Human Language Technology
CoNLL-2001 Computational Natural Language Learning
IWPT-2000 International Workshop Parsing Technologies
Statistical Generation Day collection of related papers (Columbia, '01)
IRCS Workshop on Linguistic Databases (Penn, '01)
Using Educational Dialogues to Design Technology Based Learning (North London, '99, abstracts)
Workshop on Tutorial Dialogue Systems at AI-ED 2001
ICLS on-line proceedings: 2000
Agents2000 workshop on achieving human-like behavior in interactive animated agents
DRM-2002 digital rights management
Educational Data Mining all years
Intelligent Support for Exploratory Learning Environments all years
CEUR-WS Archives of many workshops, including MAICS 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
ISLG-2014 intelligent support for learning in groups
SIGHAN Chinese Language Processing
EACL-99 / Indexes to prior EACLs
ECCAI European Coordinating Committee for AI
ELRA : LREC-All Years Language Resources and Evaluation (even numbered years)
ESSLLI - 2002 - 2001 -99 -98 -97
FLAIRS : -2000 -99 -98 -97
HLT -2002
ICCL/COLING :  COLING - 2002 -2000 -98 (acl)
ICALT -02 -01 Advanced Learning Technologies--IEEE Learning Tech. Task Force
AAAI Conferences / AI Magazine Calendar / AAAI Symposia
ICLS-2000 / -98 Learning Sciences
IJCAI all years
INLG: -02 -2000 -98
ITS: -04 -02 -2000 -98 -96
IUI Intelligent User Interfaces (all years)
MAICS-2004 :  - 2003 - 2002 -2000 -99 -98 -97 -96
MUC Message Understanding Conferences page at NIST.
NAACL -2000 (anlp)
Text and Discourse 2000
TREC Text Retrieval Conference
ACL list of relevant conferences
User Modeling, Inc. : UM-99 Main web site has old confs & proceedings
AAAI-2000 Fall Symp on Building Dialogue Systems for Tutorial Applications (ITS DIAL)
Winter Discourse Text & Cognition-98
ATALA : TALN Traitement Automatique desLangues Naturelles
AIMDM-99 AI in Medicine and Medical Decision Making
IACL-8 International Association of Chinese Linguistics
ICAST conferences
JILA-99 Journées Internationales de Linguistique Appliquée
AMTA even-numb years AMTA-98 Assoc. Machine Translation in the Americas
Cognition+Instruction symposium
Impacts on NL Generation
EURALEX European Association for Lexicography
3rd HCC Human-Computer Conversation
IAT-2001 Intelligent Agent Technology
AI-2001 Canadian AI conf
Roy's Resources Linguistics Conferences list
Workshop on Computational Models of Natural Language Argumen t 2001
EMNLP-2001 Empirical Methods in NLP
ICTAI-2001 IEEE Conf on Tools with AI
IDA Intelligent Data Analysis conferences
ACL : -2001 -2000 -99 -98 (coling) -97 (eacl) -96 -95
TMI-2002 Theoretical Machine Translation
NLP+IA-98 NLP and Industrial Applications
AI-ED : -2001 -99
ANLP -2000 (naacl) -97
Cognitive Science Society / Cogsci-2001 -2000 -99 -98 -97
DUC Document Understanding Conferences
Historical and Less Interesting Conferences
Lists of Conferences
Ongoing Conferences of Interest
Computer-Related Interesting Topics
Virtual Museum of Computing
International Cryptographic Software Pages
Information Warfare
Windows Annoyances : everything you need to know
Cyberspace Law Institute
Quantum Computing
CC2001 Curriculum
FOLDOC online dictionary of computing
Identity-Based Encryption new approach to public key cryptography
Historic Documents in Computers: Fortran I, Algol, EDVAC and ENIAC patents, 360, EWD papers
BitSavers historical manuals and software
CS 2013 Computer Science Curriculum 2013
The TCP/IP Guide Helpful explanations (not RFPs)
Sophos Naked Security newsletter
Ethics case studies for classes: ComputingCases and ACM Integrity Project
Generation 5
Spamhaus Drop List malevolent IP addresses
ISP Liability exercise
Kieran O'Hara computers and democracy and many social issues
Internet Movie Database / Films42 (small local reviews site)
Digital Traditions folk music database
Folk music: Snazzy / Waterbug
Center for Public Intellectuals
Radio on the Internet
ILGRadio shortwave database
10 Korean Folk Tales frm the Sejong Cultural Society Information on great films tropes in all kinds of media, including your favorite comic strips, movies, tv, etc.
Hollywood actor gender/age discrimination: Time Mag IMDB study Business school study Sociology study
The Mary Sue for women pop culture geeks
Bloat Busters bloated software
Bad Designs of everyday things
Jakob Nielsen Software and website design
Don Norman design of everything
Boxes and Arrows online design journal
UbuWeb very weird collection of art and artifacts deceptive user interface practices
Shining a Light on Dark Patterns Controlled experiment on dark pattern interface
Education Theory
APOS Theory of learning for mathematics classes
Steve Wheeler education blog
Food Nutrition Tables from Cyber Diet / Food Calories archives
SOAR searchable online archive of recipes (renamed recipesource)
Celiac: .com .org .ca .sprue / Kasarda on Grains / GFlinks
GF on a Shoestring
Recipe conversions
Reader Raters
Indian Businesses in USA including food, of course
What would Cathy eat? flavorful and hearty healthy food
Ellen's Kitchen of interesting and ethnic food, including stinky tofu
Pick Your Own directory
Maangchi / Kimchi Mom / Korean Bapsang Korean Cooking
Tarla Dalal Famous cookbook author's recipe site in India
Domesticate Me Serena's awesome cooking site
Maggie Zhu modern Chinese and Asian cooking, I like her sensibility
Abeer Najjar Chicago Palestinian food blogger with hispanic cross-over food
Emily Paster West of the Loop: interesting and practical recipes, a lot of it Jewish
Maccheesmo Nick Evans, “Cooking with Confidence”
New Food Economy
The Korean Vegan Korean lawyer and food blogger. And utterly fascinating.
Chinese Food Demystified Youtube channel
Korea Kimchi Co. Reader article on local company.
ĂN VẶT CÔ BEO Vietnamese Snacks, Chicago company.
One Lovely Life food blogger with a lot of gluten and dairy free, low carb, etc. Overly complicates her recipes, but her explanations are smart.
One Lovely Life food blogger with a lot of gluten and dairy free, low carb, etc. Overly complicates her recipes, but her explanations are smart.
Cube Rule humorous classification of food by where the starch is located
Graphics Instruction
WebGL tutorial from Mozilla Web Docs
Learn WebGL from
Han: Chinese, Korean, Japanese
Marjorie Chan Ohio State U.
Chin. language links: Inet Guide for Chin. Studies (WWW Virtual Lib) / Mandarin Tools /
Chinaonline news, largely business oriented
Norman Matloff's Chinese software explanations.
Unicode for Chinese
The MDBG CC-CEDICT Chinese-English Dictionary with Word Lookup and Radical/Stroke Lookup ( Submissions )
Journey to the West Xi You Ji: Web site dedicated to the book
Chinese Open Courseware and immersion programs
Drawable character dictionary at and Chinese Tools (java applet)
Cantonese learning materials and dictionary (crowd-sourced way cool)
Character to Pinyin Converter
Dict All Chinese<->English Dictionary with auto-harvested examples
Cantonese Proverbs illustrated
Chinese flashcards keyed to popular books, including downloadable printable versions
Jyutping Dictionary/Database and Conversion Cantonese tools from HK Polytechnic U.
State Language Commission of China
Steven Chu Videos Mandarin and Cantonese instruction (including Tang poems)
Journal of Chinese Language and Computing (AKA International Journal of Asian Language Processing) with Zipf’s law paper
Jyutping Cantonese Input
Chinese Grammar Wiki
Chinese Chinese punctuation
Obsolete: Pinpin huge Chinese dictionary with wildcard search, idioms, etc. and NCIKU writeable characters dictionary
Pinyin chart with all syllables and audio.
Korean Literature Now reviews and features.
Standard MANY language aids and explanations, including mongo idioms database
Learn Chinese video sites blog post from FluentU
Chinese Holiday Dates from Discover Hong Kong
Talk to Me in Korean Wonderful bites of language lessons
Blog CJV Lang Chinese/Japanese/Vietnamese/Mongolian, by a translator. Check out Spicks and Specks really interesting notes.
Paper Republic all things about Chinese literature in translation digital library of historical Chinese texts
Scott Seligman Many interesting history books, incl. Wong Chin Foo and Great Kosher Meat War
Korean Quarterly Korean-American issues and culture
KLEAR Korean-American as a foreign language instructional materials
Learn Chinese with Jian good and practical (both)
90 Day Korean energetic language learning site
Story of DuPage Planned Parenthood founding mothers speak to Cong. Casten
Historical Atlas of the 20th Century
Ellis Island immigration records
Niagara Aerospace Museum
Voices of the Holocaust earliest interviews with survivors
OnWar descriptions of WW-II, capsule summaries of all wars since 1800.
The Intercept newsletter, including article on NSA role in assassinations
Fake Nazi Death Camp bizarre hoax promoted by Polish nationalists
World Geography Games Identify the countries
Smithsonian article on Retracing Slavery's Trail of Tears internal US slave trade after 1808 until Civil War
Digital Research Library of Illinois History Journal amazing articles, most by Neil Gale
The History Makers digital archive of the Black experience in U.S.
Going Medieval blog on medieval history, by prof. Eleanor Janega
Notre Dame vs Klan author talk on 1924 event by Todd Tucker, interview
HTML and Net Info
Composing Good HTML / Beginner's Guide
ArsDigita (formerly Web Tools Review)
Network Solutions NSI / NSI Whois / ICANN controls registry
HTML 4.0 Spec
Extropia Open Source and Freeware web applications
Namesecure register and set up forwarding service
Amaya web page editor
W3C HTML Validation Service
Web Standards Project the obnoxious folks who want you to get a new browser
WDVL Web developer's virtual library: tutorials, technical info, software, etc.
Demoronize r repairs MS incompatibilities
Netcraft web and internet news and statistics
Should I Change My Password database of e-mail addresses hacked from major sites (avalanche technology group)
W3 Schools HTML including try-it editor
Do not track explanation and test
Domain Name Creator from Network Solutions
IP Location with command line/script ability
Sanitize against SQL injection in many languages.
Visual characters confusion: and similar-looking characters and string from different code-points
How to redirect web page meta-refresh, javascript, .htaccess mod_rewrite, php, rails, node.js, etc.
Entity chart also keyboard shortcuts
Upside down and backwards text
Character entities for Latin-1
Still good for the archives: Rec.humor.funny , also see jokes
Annals of Improbable Research
John Perry's Light Essays
Capitol Steps
The Onion
Pizza Server
Riddles (defunct, find a replacement)
Eric Schulman (defunct, science humorist and author)
DHMO Danger
Lighter Side of System Administration
Acme Klein Bottle
The Corporation
Laugh Lab
Journal of Universal Rejection
Augustine's Law Revisited
Dr. Dave House of Fun Jokes, tricks, illusions, funny historical photos, you-name it
hmpg end of the internet. (One of many such pages, but a particularly nice one
Babylon Bee humorous news with a Christian bent
Bulwer Lytton Fiction Prize annual bad opening lines contest
NY Times PitchBot tweets satirizing NYT news and politics coverage
Trump Transcends Ego humorous image+caption
SpaceXMania topical humor (somewhat repetitive)
Humor Videos
Juice Media home of Honest Government ads and Juice Media podcasts, from Australia
Roy Zimmerman parody songs, check out Vote him away The liar tweets tonight
Six13 Orthodox acapella and youtube channel check out annual Chanukah parody song.
Ramses the Pigeon parodies very cued to popular culture, check out Commas in God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen
Elle Cordova hard to describe, check out the digital asst. room
Parody Project political parodies, check out Whiter Shade of Fail
George W. Bush speechalist from Comedy Central
I have no frigging idea what that guy was talking about. But he talked exactly what I wanted to hear.
Intelligent Tutoring Systems: Projects
ANDES physics tutor (Pitt)
Auto-Tutor (Memphis)
Artic-soft (ILS Northwestern)
ACT-R Advanced Computer Tutoring project (CMU)
ILS Institute for the Learning Sciences--various projects
VIVIDS / DIAG visual interactive tutor tool (USC)
Ms. Lindquist algebra expression word problems
Carnegie Learning cognitive tutors
Why fusion of Pitt and Memphis
Project LISTEN reading tutor (CMU)
Active Math Adaptive and collaborative environments for math (DFKI)
VGK Ph.D. Projects in ITS and computer-mediated instruction (3 locations in Germany)
ITS and Educational Psychology People
Michelene T. H. Chi Educational Cognitive Psychology (LRDC)
Allan Collins
Neil Heffernan Ms. Lindquist algebra tutor, other things, (Worcester Polytechnic Institute)
Stellan Ohlsson Educational and cognitive psychology (UIC)
Rachel Pilkington Educational Dialogue (Leeds)
John Self (Leeds)
Kurt VanLehn (ASU)
Noboru Matsuda (CMU)
Kristy Elizabeth Boyer (NC State) Dialogue based learning
David Jonassen (Missouri) Ed Psych and Learning Tech (incl famous 2001 paper )
Sidney D'Mello Notre Dame Affective
Intelligent Tutoring Systems: Resources
ITS Seminar by Horacek and Kruijff-Korbayova, 2003 (great reading list)
ITS Seminar reading list Kurt VanLehn, 1999
Lancaster Technical Reports (from defunct AI in Education group)
Computer-Based Learning group (Leeds)
Rand report on Role of ITS McArthur (1994)
Crossroads report on AI in Education (1996, updated?)
IDA PAPER P-3003 (Comprehensive overview of ITS efforts) (Where did it go?)
Bibs and links: KIKI Material på internet / Hockemeyer
Porter W. Johnson Web CAI (IIT)
Summaries of Papers on Educational Dialogue (Cornelia Kneser)
Tom Murray ITS authoring tools (Hampshire College)
John Self's paper on Computational Mathetics , the study of learning
The Tutoring Research Group at the Memphis Cognitive Science department.
Learning/instructional theory summaries: theory into practice list at encyclopedia / much shorter Brooks list
Active Math class reading lists DFKI & Saarland University.
APOS Theory of Learning
CIRCLS The Center for Integrative Research in Computing and Learning Sciences
Jewish Topics
Sefaria and Mechon Mamre the go-to sites for Jewish texts and translations
Zipple defunct Jewish portal (resurrected maybe)
Jewish Calendars: current 3 months / 5 yrs major holidays
Also Hebcal amazing site, incl 5 yrs all holidays / custom calendar with optional parshas, times, omer, etc.
Chicago Jewish News former newspaper published by Joseph Aaron
Debka weird Israeli politics and security issues site
JPS Tanach (1917) another one .
Hebrew Tanach at Sifrot Hakodesh , also has Mishna, Tosefta, Babelonian and Palestinian Talmuds, Rambam.
Jewish Encyclopedia (1906)
Prayers often used as renewal chants , part of Open Siddur
Hebrew Songs
Mahfouz abu Turk Palestinian photojournalist
English to Hebrew phrases at
English to Hebrew Keyboard Type here, then copy-paste.
Zemirot Database Words plus many recordings.
Coffee Shop Rabbi Rabbi Ruth Adar covers topics, partly for beginners.
Berman Jewish Databank Hundreds of quantitative studies of North American Jewry
The Lobby Al-Jazeera documentary series on Israel lobby history and heritage
St Augustine 17 Seventeen rabbis arrested in a civil rights action, 1964
Letters to My Neighbor Yossi Klein Halevi new version of a dialogue with Palestinians
Rabbi Menachem Cohen
Rabbi Shefa Gold , with her Parasha calendar
Beit Toratah the Regendered Bible, rewriting the torah.
Daniel Cainer Jewish singer and entertainer
Six 13 Acapella Jewish music, hysterical parody music videos
Zemerl Database of Jewish Song
Sinat Chinam animated video exploration of baseless hatred, a wise drash of Kamtza and Bar Kamtza
Tanach with Rashi from Chabad, excellent and very usable site.
Hebrew script chart
Everyone wants to be Sephardic at Passover humorous song by Sarah Aroeste at Global Jews / B'Chol Lashon celebrating Jewish diversity
Sapir Journal slightly-rightish magazine of Jewish affairs
Reform Judiasm Torah Study
Rabbi Shefa Gold
Keter Torah Detroit area Sephardic temple, great website
SketchPad Chicago Building and organization supporting Chicago-area Jewish nonprofits
IHRA Antisemitism definition and ADL position on BDS
Hamas Charter from an Israeli perspective
Tenou'a workshop of Jewish ideas, French liberal Jewish magazine edited by Delphine Horvilleur
Trad-Egal Shtiebel Jewish community in Chicago
AI Com AI Communications
ETAI Electronic Transactions in AI
Discourse Processes
J. AI Research
J. ASIS American Society for Information Science
Crossroads ACM
Natural Language Engineering
J Language & Computation
IJAIED International J of Artificial Intelligence in Education and the AI-ED society.
Interactive Learning Environment on-line journal often covers ITS topics
UMUAI User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction
Language @ Internet
Computer Assisted Language Learning
Computer-Mediated Communication
Language Learning & Technology
Languages conjugate verbs for many languages. learning material for many languages.
Open Law Community writing of legal briefs search for Parloff's columns
1st Amendment Cases (American Libraries Assoc.)
CrimeLynx news and resources from a criminal defence perspective
Foundation for a Free Information Infrastructure better ideas for international patent/copyright
Uniform Commercial Code
InterPropLaw the Intellectual Property law server: all kinds of stuff plus forums
All About Redistricting Prof. Justin Levitt's guide. Includes lot of legal and practical stuff.
Partisan Gerrymandering Recent papers.
First Amendment Encyclopedia Amazing web site.
Origin History of Federalist Society article in Politco.
Short history of consumer contracts and click-through article from NPR Planet Money.
Library resources
Valpo Library and catalog
JAS Journal Abbreviation Sources
Porter County Libraries including Valparaiso
UIC Library
IIT Main Library / Catalogs
The University of Chicago Library Catalog
Illinois State Library and Other Illinois Library Systems
I-Share , aka Carli, formerly known as Illinet: Illinois academic libraries
Maryland Libraries Sailor
Library of Congress
Max Planck Institute bibliography databases
Wikipedia Library access to newspapers, academic databases, etc.
Linguistics generally
LINGUIST Mailing list, bulletin board, all-around useful site.
Summer Institute of Linguistics / computing resources / Ethnologue Languages of the World
Yahoo Linguistics Category
Chicago Linguistics Society
Lesss commonly taught languages: links & teaching materials from Minn and UCLA
EBLUL European Bureau for Lesser-Used Languages
Translator's Home Companion translator's resources
Old English home page (U VA)
Transformational Grammar class notes -- D Higgins (U Chicago)
LinguaLinks books, references for language fieldwork (SIL)
Omniglot encyclopedia of writing systems
Linguistics Olympics puzzles and problems.
Agora Language Materials links to publishers, translators, software, etc.
Language Log boffo linguistics blog, search pre Apr 08 posts and verbs and conjugations and online conjugator, many languages. Pointers to dictionaries and a huge number of resources for many languages.
Brand name generic terms dumpster. windbreaker. Who knew!
Comparison of Measures of Lexical Diversity MTLD, vocd-D, Mas, etc.
Text Inspector 200 measures of textual complexity and difficulty
MRP: Macintosh Resource Page / MacFixIt / Mac Hack
Malware, Viruses, etc.
National Vulerability Database All the CVEs
CERT Computer Emergency Response Team
Virus Bulletin
Virus Myths
ISS Internet Security Systems corp.
SANS Emphasis on NT Security
Spam Assassin filtering for unix
COCONUT Annotation manual
GNOME Annotation of NPs manual
Mathematical and Statistical Topics
MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive history, biogs, famous curves, etc. (St. Andrews)
Dictionary of Algorithms, Data Structures, and Problems
Netlib Numerical software of all kinds
FSU Virtual Mathematics Library
Large Precision integer arithmetic list of packages
Learning Dynamical Systems tutorial (incl. SVD and EM techniques) (Brown)
Learning Bayesian Networks from Data includes EM, Moises Goldszmidt (SRI)
Numerical Recipes books on-line / Numerical software links
Le Coefficient Kappa description, references, calculator
Agreement Statistics comprehensive ressource, part of Latent Class Analysis site (J. Uebersax)
Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures from NIST
Dynamical Systems and Technology Project (Boston U) educational materials for fractals, chaos, dynamical systems.
Random number generators at plab (Salzburg)
Get your math questions answered at Wikipedia:Reference_desk/Mathematics blog
Leland Wilkinson statistician with neat site, many applets
Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences
John D Cook&s blog on Math and Statistics topics , see Practicalities section for numerically less error-prone algorithms
jMetrik item analysis software
R Introduction
Doron Zeilberger (Rutgers) All kinds of interesting stuff (including class handouts and opinion blog)
Mary Celine Fasenmyer Short biography of interesting person Math, finance, health, etc.
Analyzing Likert Data
Statistics How To clear explanations of everyday topics
Math equals love High school math ed. blog from Sarah Hagen Carter, including hot fat tune puzzle/game weird and wonderful symbolic algebra site, from much wonderful stuff
Pointless large numbers all kinds of interesting functions and series, including Ackermann's function
Social Science Statistics including convenient calculators and tutorials
Chicago Tribune / Chicago Sun-Times
The Long Read articles from The Guardian
Robert Feder Chicago-area news media columnist
Haaretz Israeli English-language newspaper
AP Associated Press
Times of Israel
Meduza Russian news in exile
Daily Maverick left-wing muckracking newspaper published in South Africa
NLP Generally
LT World Language Technology World at DFKI
Statistical machine translation: links site / Knight and Koehn 2003 tutorial
Gentle Intro to Statistical and Neural Language Models at Machine Learning Mastery
IEEE Spectrum story on Microsoft Tay the chatbot that learned bad chat
IEEE Spectrum story on GPT-2 language generation
IEEE Spectrum: Eliza
IEEE Spectrum: Origin of tatistical language models
IEEE Spectrum: Kabalist language generation
NLP Bibliographies and Links
NLP Bibliography from Gérard Sabah (Limsi, Fr)
NLP Links from Erik Oltmans (Twente, NL)
NLP Links from Kenji Kita (Tokushima U.) [Amazing collection!]
NLP Lexicons, Corpora, etc.
Linguistic Data Consortium (University of Pennsylvania)
Siglex List of on-line lexical resources (no longer maintained)
European Corpus Initiative in various languages, other Elsnet resources
Word Net lexicon linked with semantic relationships
Oxford Text Archive
MRC Psycholinguistic Dictionary: Queries and Info
Corpora mailing list archives
TEI Text Encoding Initiative
AMARYLLIS corpora for NLP & text retrieval in French
Word Sense Disambiguation Test Collectcion
Statistical NLP / corpus-based computational linguistics resources Chris Manning, Stanford
Linguatools Parallel Corpora
Corpus of Contemporary American English at English
LRE Map monster index of language resources
NLP Education
Macquarie, Robert Dale, Various NLP Classes
Heriot Watt, Alison Cawsey Speech and Language Technology
UIC, Barbara Di Eugenio NLP class syllabus.
Memphis, Graesser & Harter Cog Sci Seminar Fall 2000 with NLP emphasis and many good exercises.
Edinburgh Informatics Intro to CL class
Harvard, Stuart Shieber NLP class
Stanford, Martin Kay Intro to CL class
Syntax Class Notes from Derrick Higgins (U Chicago)
Edinburgh, Johanna Moore Generation Class , 2004
NLP People (Individually)
Lists of CL/NLP/Speech people from: Elsenet and Kai Siemonse
Janet Cahn expressive speech (Motorola) (formerly MIT )
Sandra Carberry Generation, Dialogue, User Modeling, ITS (Delaware)
Jaime Carbonell Machine Translation + everything else (CMU)
Giuseppe Carenini Generation (Pitt)
Jean Carletta Dialogue, Coding (Edinburgh)
Alison Cawsey , Generation (Heriot Watt)
Jennifer Chu-Carroll Dialogue (Bell Labs)
Cristina Conati , ITS user modeling (LRDC)
Mark Core Dialogue parsing, management, markup (Edinburgh)
Robert Dale , Generation (Macquarie)
Steven Abney statistical methods, finite state parsing, many other things (ATT Labs)
Barbara Di Eugenio , Generation, Discourse, ITS (UIC)
Bonnie Dorr Interlingual Machine Translation (Maryland)
Michael Elhadad , FUF, also old Siggen page
Martha W. Evens Lexicography, ITS, Medical Informatics, NLP (IIT)
Peter Foltz LSA grading, Cognitive & Engineering Psych. (NMSU)
Barbara Fox (Colorado)
Jean E Fox Tree Linguistics of disfluencies, discourse markers, and other phenomena of speech.
Stan Franklin , Autonomous Agents (Memphis)
Reva Freedman ITS, Generation (NIU)
Abigail Gertner Student modeling, plan recog., ITS, etc., (MITRE)
Vincent Aleven ITS and deep understanding (CMU)
Art Graesser , Discourse, Intelligent Tutoring (Memphis)
Georgia Green Pragmatics, syntax, language and law (UIUC)
Nancy Green Generation, discourse (UNCG) (Formerly at CMU )
Ralph Grishman Proteus project, Tipster, etc. (NYU)
Barbara Grosz Discourse structure, Collaborative planning, AI (Harvard)
Susan Haller Dialogue, text planning (U Wisconsin Parkside)
Thomas Hofmann Probabalistic LSA, etc. (Brown)
Amy Isard (Edinburgh)
Christopher Jenks (South Dakota) Computer-mediated discourse analysis, simultaneous chat
Arne Jönsson Discourse processing and analysis
Pamela W. Jordan Generation, dialogue (LRDC)
James Allen NLU, spoken dialogue, etc. (Rochester)
Michael Kearns Machine Learning, Probabilistic Reasoning (ATT Research)
Jung Hee Kim (NCA&T)
Walter Kintsch Reading comprehension, LSA (Colorado)
Sheldon Klein "Meta Linguistic NLP," cog sci., analogies (Wisc. Madison)
Kenneth Koedinger Cognitive tutors (CMU)
Staffan Larsson dialogue generation (Göteborg)
Alex Lascarides pragmatics, discourse, semantics etc. (Edinburgh)
Alon Lavie GLR* parser, Janus spoken-language project, etc. (CMU)
John M. Lawler Generally Useful Linguistics Guy (Michigan)
Wendy Lehnert text extraction (U Mass)
John Bateman NLG, Discourse, MT (Bremen)
Mark Lepper Educational Psychology (Stanford)
James Lester Generation, agents (NC State)
Gina-Anne Levow intonation, cross-language IR, Chinese-English translation, others (Chicago)
David Lewis IR and ML (independent) (formerly at ATT )
Elizabeth Liddy NLU: IR, information extraction, data mining, summarization, etc. (Syracuse)
Dekang Lin Parsing (GB), Information Extraction, Lexicography
Diane Litman Spoken language, plan recognition, other things (Pitt & LRDC) (formerly at ATT )
Susann LuperFoy Discourse, MT, speech (Georgetown & IET corp.)
Steven Lytinen Link parser, FAQ-finder, others (DePaul)
John C. Mallery large scale NLP projects in lisp, CL-HTTP
Michael Berry , Latent Semantic Indexing (U Tenn Knoxville)
Bill Mann incl. dialogue macro-game theory (SIL)
Susan W. McRoy discourse, dialog, knowledge rep, medicine (Wisc. Milwaukee)
Andrei Mikheev Machine Learning / SGML for data intensive NLP (LTG Edinburgh)
Ruslan Mitkov Anaphora Resolution (Wolverhampton)
Diego Mollá Aliod
Raymond J. Mooney Machine Learning applied to NLP (U Texas Austin)
Johanna Moore (Edinburgh, formerly at Pitt ) Generation
Clifford Nass Social responses to computers, HCI (Stanford)
Nicolas Nicolov lexicalized grammars, generation, other stuff (Sussex)
Martha Palmer XTAG stuff, MT (Penn)
Kim Binsted "Expressive Communication" & generation (Sony, Tokyo)
Ehud Reiter Generation (Aberdeen)
Philip Resnik Modeling human language processing, much other stuff (Maryland)
Christopher Riesbeck general AI, ITS authoring tools (ILS Northwestern)
Jacques Robin Generation (Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brasil)
Carolyn Penstein Rosé Parsing (Pitt)
Dan Roth machine learning NLU (UIUC)
Ken Samuel Dialogue act tagging (Delaware)
Christer Samuelsson Statistical Methods in NLP
Stuart Shieber Grammar/parsing/unification, automatated graphic design (Harvard)
Jeffrey Mark Siskind Scheme, Latex trees, constraints in lisp, etc. (Purdue)
Gosse Bouma , spoken dialogue systems, Dutch linguistics, etc.
Derek Sleeman ITS (Aberdeen)
Janet Sniezek Human judgement and performance (Illinois)
Matthew Stone (Rutgers)
Katia Sycara Intelligent Agents, Case-Based Design (CMU)
Antal van den Bosch Machine Learning applied to NLP (Tilburg, NL)
Marilyn A. Walker Spoken dialogue systems (ATT)
Janyce Wiebe dialogue, word sense, statistical methods (Pitt)
Peter Wiemer-Hastings LSA, Autotutor, other goodies (DePaul)
Rosalee J. Wolfe sign language (DePaul)
Robert Wilensky (Berkeley)
Peter Brusilovsky , adaptive hypermedia (CMU)
R. Michael Young Narrative, generation, planning-Longbow (NC State)
Xu Jiajin Corpus linguistics, Educational dialogue, Comparative stuff (Bei Wai)
NLP Research Groups and Institutions
Center for Computational Linguistics (U. Amsterdam)
NIST Spoken Natural Language Processing / Information Retrieval
University of Essex CL/MT Research Group
New Mexico State Computing Research Laboratory
Sheffield U. NLG group
U. Delaware NLP program
U. Texas Connectionist NLP
LTI Language Technologies Institute (CMU)
ILK Induction of Linguistic Knowledge group (Tilburg, NL)
UCREL University Centre for Computer Corpus Research on Language (Lancaster)
Mitsubishi Research Laboratory MERL
Microsoft NLP Research
LADL Laboratoire d'Automatique Documentaire et Linguistique (Université de Marne-la-Vallée et CNRS)
King's College NLP Group
Center for Intelligent Information Retrieval (U Mass)
Center for Spoken Language Understanding: Colorado / Oregon
CSLI Center for the Study of Language and Information (Stanford)
HCRC Human Communication Research Centre (Edinburgh)
LILLA Laboratoire d'Ingénierie Linguistique et de Linguistique Appliquée (Nice)
LRDC Learning Research and Development Center (U of Pittsburgh)
SRCT Social Responses to Communication Technologies
NLP Organizations
ACL Association for Computational Linguistics
ELRA European Language Resources Association
Elsnet European Network in Language and Speech
Society for Text and Discourse
DRI Discourse Resource Initiative
COLIPS Chinese and Oriental Languages Information Processing Society and associated Asian Federation of Natural Language Processing
Siggen eration / Siglex icography / Sigdial ogue / Signll natural language learning / Sigparse / Sigdat corpus linguistics
ACH Association for Computers and the Humanities
ALLC Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing
AMTA Association for Machine Translation in the Americas
ASIS American Society for Information Science
ATALA Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues
Cognitive Science Society
CLUK UK Computational Linguistics SIG
NLP Corporations and Products
CoGenTex Several cool products and documents, including Realpro Text Realizer
CL Research DIMAP Lexicon, Utilities by Ken Litkowski
Glucose Text Summarization
Lingsoft morphology, proofing tools, nordic languages, etc. (Finland)
Signiform This is weird
Translation Experts Machine TranslationSoftware and Services
List of free web-based translation engines
Text Analysis Int'l information extraction tools
NLP Projects
NIST Speech Group incl. evaluations: content extraction, language recognition, MT, etc.
Ovis Speech Understanding (Netherlands)
Proteus Project Large corpus linguistic analysis & markup, information extraction, etc. (NYU)
RAGS Reference Architecture for Generation Systems (Brighton & Edinburgh)
Sign Language Synthesizer Project (DePaul)
SPUD Declarative NLG (Rutgers)
Text Summarization Project (University of Ottawa)
Trindi task oriented instructional dialogue toolkit (Göteborg, SE)
Olympus plus Ravenclaw components for dialogue system (CMU)
CARD corpus analysis resources for discourse (Columbia)
Collagen collaborative dialogue
Condorcet Information Retrieval (Twente)
GATE General Architecture for Text Engineering (Sheffield)
FASTUS System Information Extraction (SRI)
KOMET Multilingual text generation (GMD-IPSI Darmstadt)
Korean NLP at Penn
NLP People (Institutional Directories)
LRDC directory
MITRE NLP people
NLP Software and Tools
Compendium of Demonstrations of NLP tools. (recommended!)
Alembic Workbench SGML Utilities (Mitre)
Language Software Helpdesk (Edinburgh)
Language Technology Group SGML Utilities + other stuff (Edinburgh)
MATE markup tool / Specification / Overview of other markup tools
SGML/XML compendium! / Gentle Intro. to SGML
Intro to XML (Walsh) / Annotated XML Spec (Sperberg-McQueen et al.)
WVDL XML tutorials, resources
Natural Language Software Registry (DFKI)
KPML Text Generation Software
INTEX Linguistic development tools for large corpora (LADL)
LDC Annotation resources page
Giant list of taggers and related tools, from Martin Weisser
Giant Language Model Test Room , Compare probabilities of word sequences to language models
NLP Specialized Topics
Comp.Speech FAQ
IR-L Information Retrieval mailing list and links
Lexical Functional Grammar Home Page
Human-Computer Interaction resources page
Systemic-Functional Linguistics
Latent Semantic Analysis at Colorado & Bellcore & Tennessee / SVDPACK software / Rong Zhao LSA for image recognition
RST Rhetorical Structure Theory
Statistical Generation collection of papers (Aggeliki Dimitromanolaki)
Open Educational Resources
Massive number of open textbooks at Open Textbook Library
Massive number of books at Free E-Book Foundation including free programming books (follow the link to the git repo)
Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces textbook by Remzi H. Arpaci-Dusseau and Andrea C. Arpaci-Dusseau
Open Data Structures Textbook by Pat Morin (also see list of other textbooks at bottom of page)
Runestone Academy Open source mostly CS education
Assembly language resources: index page
Data One Free data and analysis resources keyed to Earth data.
OpenClassrooms Gobs of online courses, many computer-oriented.
Codiva Tutorials book Data structures and algorithms, Narashimha Karumanchi
MIT Open Courseware course materials freely available
Turing Machine Simulator online
WAC Clearinghouse Writing instruction across curriculum
Papers, Technical Reports, etc.
CiteSeer-Research Index CS Citation Index (NEC-NJ)
Collection of CS Bibliographies
CMP-LG Computational linguistics E-print archive, expanded to all CS (LANL), also try this new E-Print Archive link
NCSTRL Networked Computer Science Technical Reference Library (newer)
UCSTRI Unified Computer Science Technical Report Index (older)
CS Tech Reports Archives
Maintained CS Bibliographic Collections within SFU Library in CS
Searching for and ordering Dissertations (University Microfilms)
General DBLP Bib Database and Logic Programming (+ CS generally) orgs, confs, etc. (Univ. Trier)
People with Interesting Sites
Peter Angeline Genetic Programming
Paul Bourke geometry & graphics math & algorithms, data formats, much other stuff
Richard Smith Security, privacy, advanced web programming (Phar Lap)
Norman Walsh XML/XSL/SGML/HTML dynamic styles/fonts/TeX/document formatting
Lawrence Lessig Cyberspace law, "Code is Law"
Steve Gibson SpinRite unique disk util; ClearType made clear.
Eric Steven Raymond
Alan Turing Theory, crypto, math, history of computing (Heaven)
Jamie Zawinski Formerly of Netscape and his rants
James Gleick NYT computer columnist
Eric Robert Schulman Science/Astronomy writings & humor
Steven Morgan Friedman including Inflation Calculator
Steven M. Christensen
Sam Steingold generally opinionated, CL / open-source hacker
Sven Guckes unix editors mail browsers etc.
Perter Neumann RISKS, security, e-voting, more (SRI)
Robert L. Glass Software Engineering topics
Leonard Grossman Chicago topics, Jewish topics, Lightweight net software, other links
John Walker Fourmilab Index Librorem Liberorum
Shamim Mohamed unicon, open-bsd firewall, misc.
Helmer Aslaksen calenders and astronomy, Chinese
Erica Schultz Jewish conversion story, misc.
Norman Matloff (UC Davis) computer architecture, general programming, hiring practices
Richard Goerwitz
Hobbit Strange and wonderful technical guy. Check out Prius MFD problem analysis.
Rebecca Onion Historian, Slate writer, interesting blog.
Andrew David Thaler Southern Fried Science blog.
Phil Plait Bad Astronomy blog.
Ashley M L Brown Games user research, interesting opinions.
Ling Ma Author of Severance, Bliss Montage, and a wonderful article about crying in an office job
Election commisons: Illinois / DuPage
Federal Election Commission FEC Contributions Database , and individual persons lookup
Public Citizen / Open Secrets Center for Responsive Politics
Capitol Fax Illinois politics
DuPage Democrats
Essential Nader collection progresive sites
Daily Howler media watchdog, Daily Howler before Sept 2011
Political Research Associates and archival Public Eye
Violence Policy Center against gun violence
Democratic Underground fun reading
Greg Palast investigative journalist
FAIR , Media Matters , and Media Bugs (Scott Rosenberg) watchdogs
Center for Media and Democracy Sourcewatch influencers of policy & opinion
Brad Blog voting and election integrity positions and votes of our federal elected officials
Govtrack positions and votes of our federal elected officials including PCA analysis of bill sponsorship and leadership
The Green Papers presidential election data, including more details on primaries than you care to know
Trump Voter whose undocumented wife was deported.
Niskanen Center modern center-right libertarian think tank, Jerry Taylor got fed up at Cato.
Conservatives are More Easily Disgusted than Liberals Famous paper. I don't find it persuasive, but Inbar et al do interesting work.
Charlie White Indiana Secretary of State convicted of voter fraud
FEC Campaign Contribution Rules See individual contribution limits, also reporting requirements for the $200 limit.
Democrat Attends Trump Rally Sobering article, how the left is pushing people away.
Data For Progress think tank
DC Report David Cay Johnston's news site
Scary die-hard Trumpists after the 2020 election.
Michael Lewis on the Trump transition after the 2016 election.
Gallup Trump job approval/disapproval tracker and historical presidential job approval (not disapproval)
Anthea Butler professor of religion and of Africana, studies evangelical politics
How the right suppressed IRS oversight of non-profits acting as PACs
Balloon Juice sharp commentary ("baloon juice"=slang for "hot air"
Pete Buttigieg excellent answer to Fox abortion question , also Sen. Gary Peters"
From HUD to Iran-Contra: Crime During the Reagan Administration Report for National Criminal Justice Reference Service
Zack Beauchamp Vox writer on state of democracy, 2023 article debunking economic anxiety theory of Trump
Ballot Access News newsletter
Girl, I Guess voter guides from Stephanie Skora (for progressive Democrats)
List of Trump administration oficials who quit a mere 2 years into the term. ABC News
Gilens & Page wealth influence on US policies: Press release and paper
Privacy, Risks, etc.
Center for Democracy and Technology
Privacy Rights Clearinghouse (California orientation) / Privacy Forum
Victims of Credit Reports (news, addresses, etc.)
Identity how to cope
No Cards A free people does not show identity papers to buy bread
Programming Environments/Problems
Geeks for geeks Programming problems, quizzes, and other stuff, much of it related to job interview problems Online code environment for eduction: Python, html5, others Online code environment for python
cloud 9 Online shared workspaces for work and education, many languages and IDEs Online shared workspaces for work, many languages and IDEs Practice problems for education, Java and Python (now known as Codelab) Practice problems for education, Java mostly and Python
Problets Practice problems for education from Amranth Kumar, Java/C++/VB
PCRS Interactive programming + Video mixed from U Toronto: C, Java, Python, SQL
Top 6 Online Java Compilers for Students article mentions Codiva, JDoodle, Rextester, OnlineGDB, BrowXY, IDEOne Many languages online environment, shareable online Linux practice In-browser IDE for many languages
Valgrind memory debugging, memory leaks, profiling, etc.
Top 6 online Java environments article
Programming Languages
The Association of Lisp Users / Common Lisp WIKI
Common Lisp the Language / HyperSpec (TM) doc
Xanalys (Harlequin) Franz Allegro Digitool Mac Clisp vendors
Lisp People: David Lamkins (incl. MCL) Rainer Joswig Lisp on the Net
Lisp FAQ (getting old!)
Intro to CLIM Free CLIM does not exist yet.
Jatha Run 'Lisp' programs actually using Java
Icon Project / Language ref / Intro to Icon Clint Jeffery   / Posix extension
Unicon successor to icon / awesome matarial on Unicon by Brian Tiffin
##C on Freenode / C and C++ FAQs / C-IAQ (partly humorous)
Church Project formally beautiful languages (Boston U.)
The Programming Languages Shootout (benchmarks in about 30 languages, with examples and discussion)
Tiobe popularity index based on search engine statistics (updated monthly)
Rosetta Code Programming chrestomathy site: set of programming problems coded in many different languages
LangRef Short common tasks in many modern languages
HelloWorldQuiz identify the language quiz
Actionscript MathML: F-Math main site, plus Google Code site
Lambda the Ultimate programming languages weblog
Stack Overflow programming help
TutorialsPoint programming language tutorials (very good)
TutorialsPoint Unicode for Python programmers (hint: python3 is easier)
CodeQuizzes Quizzes for learning Ruby, Rails, Javascript, CSS, etc.
David Beazley Python 3 Guru, including Python 3 I/O and Strings/Bytes/Unicode slides
Python 2 to 3 Cheat Sheet
Python3 Text Processing! at Nick Coughlan's Python Notes
PythonLearn stellar learning materials for Python 2 and Py4E same for Python 3
Numpy Basics
Python CSV module
Online Psychology Assessment Collection from U Texas Austin
LIWC Linguistic Inqiry and Word Count text analysis
Inernet Trust, Digital Psy-Ops
Digital Forensic Reseach Lab Digital Sherlocks
Covid Twitter Bots CMU Study
What does Coordinated Inauthentic Behavior mean? Exploring the boundries of a muddy definition
Deep-fake student opinion writer
Russia attacking BLM from Haaretz
Stanford Internet Observatory
NY Attorney General: Fake Comments: How U.S. Companies and Partisans Hack Democracy to Undermine Your Voice a report on faked public comments on internet neutrality
Russian, Chinese Disinformation About COVID-19 news report on a study
ISD: Institute for Strategic Dialogue researches online disinformation, hate, etc. Publishes valuable reports.
EU Disinformation Lab
Social media bot problem at Social Media Today
Center for Countering Digital Hate
Claire Wardle studies misinformation
Early spread of Covid misinformation one of many studies by Neil Johnson
CCDH Center for Countering Digital Hate non-profit documenting not only hate
Two WaPo articles, 9/23: 5th Circuit finds Biden White House, CDC likely violated First Amendment Misinformation research is buckling under GOP legal attacks
Observatory on Social Media (OSoMe) Indiana University
Fiction spreads faster than fact major MIT study of false news cascades on Twitter
Russian targeting African-Americans BBC report on Senate investigation
Maliciously edited video does not violate Meta rules Facebook oversight board is pissed
Google safety Center and Google Jigsaw safety group
Fake news sites from Russia including Chicago Chronicle
List of Fake News Websites (Wikipedia)
Clemson Media Forensics Hub
NewsGuard identifying misinformation
Inside the Funhouse Mirror Factory the flow of information that affects norms and beliefs (good references!)
Influence Map data-driven analyses on how business and finance are impacting the climate crisis
Reading: Periodicals, etc.
Scientific American
Tom Paine political and topical magazine
Ellen Goodman columnist
Dave Barry archive at Miami Herald
Nando Times online newspaper
Talking Points Memo Joshua Micah Marshall (roughly weekly)
Consortium News Self-styled successor to IF Stone.
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 6/yr
MMWR Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report
Molly Ivins at Creators and at Star-Telegram twice per week, at The Free Press once per week but better archives
Columbia Journalism Review 6/yr
Exqusite Corpse 6/yr
Event Horizon Science fiction magazine
On The Issues Feminist Mag (good links)
Reference Desk
Covid daily statistics US at assorted world stastics (very cool!)
Covid Tracking amazing statistics with data as csv or json
Post Office: Zip codes and postage history along with other history.
Illinois / Illinois Dept. Revenue
President / House of Reps / Senate / Constitution / Thomas US Congress pending bills, committes, etc. downloadable US datasets / fedstats links page for a lot of federal data (UMD CS dept).
FBI Internet Crime Complaint Center
Federal budget: Office of Management and Budget / Congressional Budget Office / Concord Coalition
Telephone numbers: Anywho / Switchboard White Pages (has by-address lookup)
The Universal Currency Converter
Virtual Library
Consumer Reports
Time services from the Naval Observatory
A4 Paper Standard sizes explained, where to get
Online road maps: Mapquest / Yahoo / Maps on Us / Map Blast / Expedia Maps / Zip2
Urban legends: (well researched) / / / alt.folklore.urban FAQ
Word Origins selected English etymology
Refdesk general references site
Internet Wayback Machine
US Colleges and Universities list (U Texas)
National Library of Medicin e & Medlineplus (disease information)
Investment FAQ / Roth IRA Calc. / Market Watch / CPI Inflation History
City Data
Pronounce It Right / Prounounce Names (“pronouncer” style) / (native recordings)
Freedict multilingual dictionary lookup
Indexmundi statistical data from around the world
Red Cross Blood Donor Eligibility Criteria comprehensive
Passport Index measuring the utility of possessing various country's passports (mobility, welcoming, human development)
itools gobs of reference tools
Big English word lists made by intersecting large corpora (zip files)
Dejanews Usenet newsgroups & archives (now google groups)
Findarticles magazine article archives (free)
Ask Jeeves
Qwant more private search engine
Private Search Engines article at
CEO Express "portal"
Every Google search operator you will ever need including AROUND proximity search
Google Search Tips Including allintitle: and similar keywords
Miscellaneous Uncategorized
Cracking the Codes Distributed Effort
Ralph Nader's Consumer Project on Technology including the Microsoft Anti-Trust page
Need to Know: weekly newsletter / home page (long-defunct fun)
FAQs from Usenet
Wordsmith A word a day.
Corporation for National Research Initiatives incl. cs-tr, digital library, etc.
Hubble Space Telescope
ISCA International Soc. for Computers and their Applications (conference-giving org.)
Human Subjects IRB Rules: 45 CFR 46 from the Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP)
Scholarly Technology Group (Brown) / Richard Goerwitz text processing, online bible, etc.
Chemical Industry documentary by Bill Moyers
E Star Tech Wen Zhu's Company
The Xtal Set Society Crystal Radios!
Reva Freedman's Links
VU Provost faculty, fmployees handbooks and other policies
Foundation Center , home of the 990 Finder
Information Is Beautiful visualizing information
Margery Conner Designing With LEDs blog, teardowns and reviews of LED lighting
Jon Stewart show series on Australian Gun Control
Slate article on famous reporters who Made Stuff Up
Angry Asian Man blog: news, angry reader of the week, etc.
On Bull---- Review of book I ought to read.
College Meltdown Dahn Shaulis blog about higher education.
iPhone secret internet traffic WaPo article.
Free Radicals radicals who are into science.
Masks: / Jong Ang Ilbo Korea Daily Hot Deals
Grand Canyon Education: Educational Enron report, also some class action lawsuits
Abortion Op-Ed from OBGYN: Indiana’s new abortion law won’t save babies. It will only make my patients suffer.
Apple Irish Jersey tax avoidance the offshore tax avoidance and intellectual property scam.
Pop music getting worse study Scientic American blog and Million song database .
Plagiarism Today News of all things plagiarism, from scandals to improperly asserting copyright.
Asianometery Great videos on tech history and sometimes about Asia.
Colleges that do not take federal money by Dean Clancy an interesting libertarian-ish policy guy
Unix Administration
Sun & Unix World / Solaris Security FAQ
Distro Watch compendium of Linux & BSDs
Tcl/Tk Home Page
Solaris Freeware / Useful tools for Suns
Sunsolve: public patches and security for Suns
Solaris Answer Book / Solaris FAQ / Sun Managers list,FAQ and searchable archive
Humongous searchable archive of many unix-related lists
Sendmail / Claus Assman's .cf enhancements
Wietse Zweitze Venema Tools and Security (incl. tcp_wrappers)
GNU Project / GNU Docs (Delorie)
Linux: Gazette, Journal, Resources / WINE Windows emulator / XFree86 / Gnome Gnu desktop / RPM Package Repository
The user-friendly collection of Linux Howtos and Tutorials at the Linux Desktop Directory
CVS (RCS) source code control
Cygnus GPL unix-within-windows, real time kernel, java, etc.
Open Office office suite (was Star Office)
The UGU compendium of system administration links
Unix is a Four Letter Word oldie but goodie unix command line for newbies
Alpine e-mail client (pine replacement)
X Window sharing: VNC virtual network computing (ATT) / XMX X Protocol Multiplexor (Brown)
SSH implementations (all platforms)
Procmail FAQ / Quick Reference / Quick Start
Gimp Savvy Gimp instruction book
tcsh script writing short reference, from Jan Plaza at Plattsburgh
RIMU Hosting Howtos Really useful system administration topics, linux and unix servers
Everything Sysadmin from the authors of The Practice of System and and Network Administration
Redirect stderr in bash and tcsh, part of DIGITAL Unix User's Tutorial
Linux Home Networking fantastic Linux system admin howtos, NOT limited to home networking
systemd for administrators the replacement for /etc/rc.init and other functions by Lennart Poettering, Entwickler Systemd
Server Fault Help for system administration
Linux Kernel Drivers book
The Geek Stuff large number useful linux and db examples, many deeply technical
RKHunter in Fedora installing and configuring
Fedora LiveUSB creation
Windows utilties: Procmon or also just run perfmon /res
Useful Sysadmin utilities lists: GFI Blog
LXDE Openbox Keyboard Shortcuts alt-F4=Close alt-Sp=WindowMenu F11=+/-Fullscreen contains an important ports database including activity and malicious use.
Ubuntu Firewalls at Linuxconfig
Gitlab Devops development platform you can install
Logging with Systemd systemd, journalctl, journald, etc.
MS TT fonts on Fedora
Bash scripting cheat sheet at Rico%rsquo;s cheatsheets monster site
Epoch converter convert timestamps to human readable
Fedora packages status of all software packages in Fedora repositories
VU Work
Advising Information
Simple Syllabus
Links for VU administrative systems
Global Warming
Authoritative news and answers: Carbon Brief / Climate Central
Skeptical Science database of articles rebutting misinformation
Answers to Global Warming Skeptics at Astronomy notes, contains New Scientist and Scholars and Rogues lists
Peter Sinclair This Is Not Cool blog with climate change news (formerly "Crock of the Week")
RealClimate Climate scientists blog keeping up on events
Climate Data Guide browse and learn about climate data sets
Climate Progress of Joseph Romm and Think Progrss (defunct, now just an archive)
Lomborg Errors Responding to Climate Change global warming news site
Climate Change Explained A marvelous "Potholer" video, not to be missed
Global Carbon Atlas from Global Carbon Project : Charts and graphs of emissions, consumption, transfers, land use changes, etc.
National Snow and Ice Data Center Interactive Arctic sea ice graph
American Petrolium Institute Draft Global Climate Science Communications plan scanned and html
Denial Depot humor
Breaking news Tamino / And Then There's Physics / Rabbet Run
History of climate change science science (American Institute of Physics)
Hot Whopper blog 'eavesdropping on the deniosphere'
Inside Climate News , article on hate mail ;
Climate Action Tracker tracks the emission commitments and actions of countries;
What's Warming the World Visualization of the components of warming+cooling (very nice, very persuasive);
U Chicago/Coursera class Global Warming: Understanding the Forecast;
Attribution Scientific American article on attribution;
Contrarian Matrix Summary and links to examples of multitudinous varieties denier arguments;
Electric vehicle MPG calculator computes MPG equivalent for different grid locations and car models;
Under the Dome powerful Chinese documentary on air pollution: whole film or part 1 of 8 . (English and Chinese subtitles);
eGRID emissions of electricity production, by grid sub-region. Convenient profile of your own region at Power Profiler page
Sabin Center for Climate Change Law articles and records of ongoing cases
Levelized Cost of Electricity from Lazard, 2018, showing utility-scale solar and wind are cheap (rooftop solar expensive) extensive news from electric utility industry
Energy Markets Policy Group from LBL, lot of info informing policy and decision making.
Yale Climate Connections visualizations
GAO Social Cost of Carbon request, showing Trump-era division by seven!
Global Warming Solved and CERES-Science denialist web sites by a weird team of scientists
Amy Westervelt journalist, disinformation specialist
Climate Change Flyers last-minute Trump-administration denialist documents, originally at ceres-science
WaPo Climate Change Flyers article on the brou-ha-ha.
GHG Emissions from EVs data from EPA
Trends in Types of Climate Denial from CCDH text analytics on you-tube content shows 5 categories of denial
Wikipedia Topics
Study of Wikipedia influence on judges in Ireland: Slate article
Study of How Conflicts and Population Loss Led to the Rise of English Wikipedia’s Credibility
Word Processing
CTAN TeX & Latex Search / LBL TeX links
Latex help: Stian's L Tips & Tricks / ACM L for Web / (La)TeX navigator / L for Authors / Goddard L Hypertext Help Bibtex Types
Latex packages for linguists: Charles U CZ / Essex UK
Miktex Win32 TeX / WinEdt Editor & Command Shell / LyX WYSIWYG
Woody's Office Watch / MS Office Resource Kit updates to MS Office / Levit & James Word Utilities
Nisus multi-lingual wp software
Comp.Fonts FAQ / MS Typography / The late comp.fonts page
Distiller Settings for AAAI publications, use these for portability.
EMACS Wiki / Vim Tips Wiki
EMACS Quick Reference Guide
First Guide to Postscript / FNAL Postscript & EPS Use Guide
Creating Quality PDF from TeX/DVIPS - the Kendall Whitehouse document
Linguist's Software fonts for the whole world, modern and ancient
List of available Font Editors
NASA Goddard Hypertext Help with LaTeX
Open Office command line arguments
Comprehensive Latex Symbol List (pdf)
Monospaced Fonts for Programmers 42 examples!
Overleaf Running Latex in a web site.
LetterSize Latex setting files. Try texconfig paper letter in Linux .
FSymbols Amazing fonts, symbols, etc. Try Russify or Tarty.
LingoJam Gobs of text effects. Upside down, italic, you-name-it.
Text to Image Type text, get png for Facebook, etc.
Why dark net is destined to be screwed up: Silk Road example.
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